
Brief introduction to the of dual-languages editor


ZHANG Changlin was born in 1943 in Guizhou, China. He is a bio- physicist, professor of biophysics of Zhejiang University and Hangzhou University of China, and now the guest professor of the Music and Music Education Department of Siegen University, Germany, as resident in Germany, and as advisor of the Center for Frontier Science, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. He is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Physiotherapy and Life Physics, Geneva, Switzerland. (www. inderscience. com)


1974-1978, Research Assistant of Hangzhou University and lecturer of Zhejiang University. 1978-1982 he got Master’s Degree in Biophysics in the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.1982-2002, as lecturer, senior lecturer and Professor of Zhejiang University and Hangzhou University, teaching and researching in various fields including biophysics, meridian, cells, cancer immunity, electric field of biological body, music therapy, agriculture etc., in charge of the research project of“Computer Stimulation of the Holographic Phenomena in Acupuncture System”etc.

1980年在天津创办《长寿》杂志。 1990年起作为英国和德国访问学者。

In 1980, he created the magazine named as Long Life in Tianjin. Since 1990, he has been working as visiting scholar in UK and Germany.


1990-2000, he worked part time domestically and in Europe respectively.

1996年在杭州主编并出版与11个国家的生物物理学家共同写作的英文学术论文集Current Development of Biophysics,即《当代生物物理学进展》。

In 1996, in Hangzhou, he as chief editor, published symposium on Current Development of Biophysics,i. e.“Contemporary advances of Biophysics”, together with biophysists from 11 countries.


From 1999, he works on music therapy and researches on sleeping quality respectively in Siegen of Germany, Hamburg University, Socrates Health Center of Switzerland.


From 2011, in Beijing, Switzerland etc., he held for“Forum on Life Physics”, to explore various academic topics induced by“The collision between ‘Classic Chinese Medicine’ (CCM) and modern physics”with related scholars.


His important discoveries are“Dissipative Structure of Electromagnetic Field in Living Bodies”and“The objective measurement and quantitative counting method for the homogeneous state of organic body”etc. All these discoveries provide the solid basis of scientific evaluation and quantification for many profound concepts of Classic Chinese Medicine and music regulation.

2007年,在德国出版了科普书Der unsichtbare Regenbogen und die unhörbare Musik,即《看不见的彩虹,听不见的音乐》;2010年出版了《人体的彩虹:科学见证经络》;2013年,出版了《看不见的彩虹:人体的耗散结构》。他在经络的现代研究方面有许多创见。发表了多篇文章,在生物、医学、音乐等领域和东西方文化融合与交流方面做出了重要的贡献。

In 2007, he published the popular book Der unsichtbare Regenbogen und die unhörend Musik in Germany, i. e. The Invisible Rainbow, the Music Being Not Heard and published the book The Invisible Rainbow, Science Verifies Meridian, in 2010 in Taiwan. In 2013, the book The Invisible Rainbow, the Dissipation Structure of Human Body was published in Hangzhou. He has many creative opinions and published many papers in the fields of biology, medicine, music as well as in the merge and communication between eastern and western cultures.